Hypopressive exercises for core strength, incontinence, prolapse & diastasis recti
Hypopressive exercises (often known just as hypopressives or Low pressure Fitness) are well known in Spanish-speaking countries because a Spanish doctor developed them (from a yogic technique). They are increasingly becoming more popular across the world and in the UK. How does it work? The Hypopressive technique involves exhalation that causes expansion of the ribcage, resulting in a negative pressure in the thoracic cavity and elevates the diaphragm. After exhalation, the breath is held and maintained for a few seconds, which causes involuntary contractions from the pelvic floor muscles and abdominal wall. The method is repeated and held with different postures and variations. Hypopressives re- programme the core muscles, which are vital to managing pressure both consciously and subconsciously, and they increase their resting tone and involuntary function. Who can Benifit from Hypopressives combined with Core Strength from with-in Sessions ? Everybody can benefit from Hypopressives, because they are all about retraining your core muscles to work as they were designed to. However, they can be particularly helpful to people who suffer from urinary incontinence, poor posture, back pain, sexual dysfunction, pelvic organ prolapse and safely healing diastasis recti. Important: You should not practice Hypopressives if you are pregnant or suffer from a heart condition Why did I Become a Hypopressive Trainer? I am very passionate about helping women reconnect with there bodies,giving them the tools to feel confident in themselves. After having my son I was left with a large Diastase & Incontinence issues which was made worse through lack of understanding of my postnatal body. I now specialise in Pre & Postnatal fitness & Pilates, to help women to the best of my ability re gain there core, pelvic floor strength, the true foundation of our body's What Sessions do I offer ? Core Strength from Within 1-1 Sessions or small groups of two. We focus on rebuilding and strengthen your core comprising of your abdominals, pelvic floor, back & Glutes, using Pilates. We will look at traditional pelvic floor exercises both static and in motion, and learn the Hypopressive breath method. You may need approximately 3-4 1 hour sessions to learn the technique. However, sometimes if women have already done something like yoga or Pilates, they pick up the sequence more quickly. Please call or email me for further information [email protected] 07841397550 |